My Grandpa was a Lutheran minister - more specifically a Missouri Synod Lutheran minister and he thought that they had a corner on the Truth. I had to leave the M.S. Lutherans when I felt a call on my life because they didn't have room for women in the ministry. In my lifetime, I've seen the rigid boundaries around the denominations loosen and an openness to other faith traditions (even, gasp, Catholics). That's been happening for quite some time and I embraced it quite easily. So my Lutheran roots made the transplant to Free Methodist, Presbyterian and now Vineyard soils without much trauma at all. I've embraced the spirituality and contemplativity of Catholicism with a deep sense of wonder and joy. So far so good - I love being ecumenical.
More recently I've discovered spirituality outside of Western Christianity and that has felt less comfortable. I attend an Al Anon group where God is defined as my "Higher Power" and can sometimes be described as the chair I'm sitting on. Wow. That's a far cry from seeing Jesus as the "Way, the Truth and the Life" with no one getting to the Father except through Him. As I wrestle with my faith boundaries I've had to admit that I've experienced God in powerful, healing ways in my 12 step meeting. I've been healed there, I see others get healing and I know that God is very present as we share our pain and brokenness with each other. What makes me really sad is that many of these dear people that I've come to love had to get over what they learned about God in the Church. Many have experienced abuse rather than love at the hands of those who claim Christ as their ultimate authority. No wonder the mainline Church is hemorrhaging and new expressions of faith communities are springing up everywhere. In Jesus' words, we just can't put new wine into old wineskins - and new wine is being produced everywhere!
Most recently I've discovered that deep truth and spirituality can be found in the most amazing places. I love the encounter that Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love) had with God in an Ashram in India. I love reading about Eastern Christianity. I believe that truth seekers can find God in unlikely places. I'm much more open and less judgemental about others' experiences. I hear God through my ipod for crying out loud!
I still believe that Jesus is The Way. I believe that the love He showed the world through his life, death and resurrection is significantly different than all the hoops that man made religions put out for us to jump through (and I include the Christian hoops as well!) He does not ask us to do anything other than trust His love enough to put our weight down on it. That means, for me, that I can't hedge my faith with a big bank account, or a Christian marriage, or a ministry to the homeless. None of those things will save me - only faith in Jesus. Only trust in His love. I have to take the and out of Jesus and...(service, family, church, money, relationships, looks etc..) It's just Jesus - even and maybe especially when He meets us in unlikely places.
So I'm widening the circle. Or rather God has been widening it for me as I've sought Him and His Truth the past 5 years. I've come a long way from my Missouri Synod Lutheran roots and my Grandpa's perspective of the Church. Since Grandpa is now alive with ultimate Truth and Love (and no longer walking in the limits of earthly life) I'm sure he is celebrating my ever widening circle. So embrace Love, wherever you find Him.
Bonne nouvelle chez les autochtones Batwa du Burundi
La scolarisation des enfants Batwa laisse à désirer alors que l’éducation
reste la seule clé d’ouverture et de garanti au développement de la
13 years ago