Thursday, December 17, 2009


There is now a Caringbridge site for Cullen :) Hooray! Here is the latest from Shelley:

Hey Everyone.

Just wanted to give an update on how Cullen is doing.Cullen has been doing better the last week or so. He had a pretty bigarthritis flair the day before Thanksgiving. He hasn't been in that muchpain since his arthritis was first diagnosed in 2007. We got him through the weekend wearing ice packs around his knees and ankles to help reducethe swelling. Sent an email to his rheumatology doctor, Jen, and told her that we really need to restart Remicade. They had stopped him taking this medication when he had the big lung infection in May/June. Given that Remicade is an immune suppressant, they didn't want him on it anymore asthey were concerned that the lung infection would get out of control. She agreed and he started up again on 11/30. What a huge difference that has made. Not only are we have been able to get arthritis more in control, butit has also helped with some improvement in his lung function. He is no longer needed supplement oxygen throughout the day. We also saw the pain management team last week, and they prescribed a new plan that has allowed his back pain to be more under control.

So overall, Cullen is doing much better. He has been busy trying to catch up with school. As always lots of doctor appointments at Children's, there is still alot going on. With the hospital stay in November and the time that it took to recover, hehad gotten far behind. This always stresses him out, even though we tellhim everyone understands and we will get as many extensions as you need.For the most part the teachers and the director of the learning programhave been very supportive. They have been working with us with whatever weneed. With that said, Cullen was not sleeping great as he was worried aboutschool, deadlines and doing well.Our neighbor's son, who is a teacher came over last weekend to help Cullenwith Social Studies which was a big help. Thank you Adam!I also remembered a tutor that had helped Cullen in seventh grade when hewas part of the home/hospital program. On a lark, I thought I would callher to see if she would be willing to help Cullen in a freelance capacity.Since it has been a couple of years since we had talked, I wasn't sure ifshe would remember us. She not only did, but was more than willing to helpget started with Cullen this week! She has also agreed to help him over thewinter break so that when school "starts' back up in January that he willbe caught up. Cullen met with her today and was feeling really good aboutthe new plan.Another blessing has been Katie. Katie is the Coordinator of Children andYouth Ministries at our church. She is in the process of organizingtutoring for those that either want to help or need help with school. Icalled her yesterday to see where she was in the process and if there wassomeone that could help Cullen with Spanish. They are still organizingeverything, but with out any hesitation she shares with me that she isfluent in Spanish and she would love to help Cullen. This is such ablessing. Cullen's Spanish teacher has been less than engaged and learningthis by himself has been difficult. Cullen finally feels like he has a planand although there is alot to do in the next few weeks, that he has lots ofsupport to help get him there.

Many of you have been wonderful about sharing Cullen's story in a variety of prayer groups. They have asked that I start a caringbridge website where they can get updates. So this weekend, Cullen and I put this website together. It will have the same information that I sent out in these notes,but that way you can provide the following link to friends/family thatwould like to keep updated on Cullen.You can Visit Cullen’s website in two easy ways:
1. Visit the CaringBridge website by clicking the URL.

2. Enter the website name, cullenrogers, at you visit you’ll be asked to log in. We took Cullen to see Blindside over the weekend... Great Movie.. Have a new favorite verse. "Because with men some things are possible. But with God all things are possible."Thank you for your prayers, love and support.

We have much to be thankful for.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gloriose Giving

It has now been a year since I started the fund for Gloriose - how can that be?!! In less than 8 months, a team will be going to Burundi to come alongside the programs there and to connect with Gloriose. Recently I've been feeling the tug to go with that team. How good it would be to see the women that the fund has helped and to hear their stories. I've pasted in this blog, an email from Gloriose that talks about how she's used the money. My hope is to continue to send her money and then when the team goes, the stories will be rich and rewarding. Here is her email:

"Dear sisters,
Greeting in the name of Jesus,I am happy to share with you this storie of a christian group of women who are annointed to pray for healing of different deases, they belong to a very poor church and live in a quarter which has been destroyed during the long war in our country, The lord has put them in my heart and last month I gave them money to start together smalls busness, I went to visit them, I told them that I have sisters in America who are praying for them, they thank you and thank the Lord for the help , hope God will give them opportunity to see you one day. They ten and have decided to start an association, you can see them in this different pictures with an other woman and one man who live for the moment in that small church because theiy are praying for their healing. An other group of 6 women are selling some food you will see some pictures in their quater, they told me that that work give them clothes and food for their families, most of them have small children who need sometime to have milk.May God bless each of you and what you are doing for burundian poor women, the way is very long but God knows how He will provide through his poeple."

I've left the email just as it came to me because it shows that even though English is the 3rd language for Gloriose, she communicates very well. Heaven help us if I had to try to write to her in French! A big thanks to all of you who've been helping Gloriose to help others. It is a privilege for me to share in the process of blessing the poor women in this country. May you be blessed as well.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Puppets in the Classroom

I can't believe that it's been almost two months since I last wrote anything - that's coincides almost perfectly with the start of my new profession in the Seattle school district: PUPPET LADY. That's not what they hired me to do but it's what I'm doing anyway:0). I'm actually a paraprofessional who works with special needs kids but I've found that Miss Pearl and Pirate Pete can connect with autistic kids much better than I can. I love doing this! I don't know where this will lead but for now it's a great fit for me. I love the adventure of going to different schools, meeting new people and having to think on my feet.

My last job was in a spanish immersion program with 1st graders during which I was not allowed to speak any english! That is, until the last 10 minutes of the class when the teacher told the students (in spanish) that she had a special treat for them. At that point, Miss Pearl and I got to tell the kids how fun it had been to watch them learning spanish and trying to figure out what the teacher was saying. If you think it's challenging to jump into a classroom and work with kids you've never met before, try adding that you can't speak to them! It was actually quite funny. The teacher loved Miss Pearl and asked if I ever do birthday parties :) I gave her my card. Like I said, this is a great fit for me for now and I can't wait to see where it will lead. I'm sure that all this practice and exposure will lead to something and I'm trusting that God is in the midst of all of it. Joy upon joy.