Friday, November 23, 2012


The day after Thanksgiving and although I'm very weary there is so much to be thankful for.  We had a full house with John, Alex, Jacob and Markus as well as Will, Corinna, Sam, Nick, Adriana and Joe.  A second generation extravaganza and with all the activity, Mom decided she wanted to get up!  Corinna and Alex got her into the wheelchair and she even fed herself (with a little help from me and Will.)  When she was ready to go to bed, Will was my excellent assistant and was invaluable as she started shaking and collapsed.  It clearly had been a great night but also pushed the limits.  She's been sleeping much of today.

The day before Thanksgiving while I was walking in the woods with the dogs, Josh Groban's song came on my ipod.  The music and the words filled my soul with hope and so I wanted to share the lyrics.  There is so much to be thankful for - Happy Thanksgiving!

Somedays we forget
To look around us
Somedays we can't see
The joy that surrounds us
So caught up inside ourselves
We take when we should give.

So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be.
And on this day we hope for
What we still can't see.
It's up to us to be the change
And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for.

Look beyond ourselves
There's so much sorrow
It's way too late to say
I'll cry tomorrow
Each of us must find our truth
It's so long overdue

So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be
And every day we hope for
What we still can't see
It's up to us to be the change
And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for.

Even with our differences
There is a place we're all connected
Each of us can find each other's light

So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be
And on this day we hope for
What we still can't see
It's up to us to be the change
And even though this world needs so much more

There's so much to be thankful for

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