Friday, September 26, 2008

Laugh Your Abs Off

In flipping through the news this am I came across a video of laughercise. Wow - what a trip! It lit up my morning just to watch it. If you'd like to see it for yourself just google youtube and search laugh your abs. I've always been intrigued by Norman Cousins claim that laughter heals (see Anatomy of an Illness) and this may be just what our country needs right now. A little laughter, to take ourselves and our obsession with money a lot less seriously. And get some exercise! I'm seriously going to try it (or maybe I should try it hilariously, or casually, anything but seriously.) Maybe laughter really is the best medicine.

1 comment:

Heidi Greider said...

In case anyone wants to try, you actually need to search for "laugh your abs away exercise video"