Sunday, December 28, 2008

Blogging about Beth

God has spoken to me during some really dark times through the messages of Beth Moore. I love how much she loves God and how it shines through in her life. I get a kick out of her southern style. I appreciate her delicate position as a female leader in a southern baptist environment. I believe that God is touching many lives through her ministry.

So I follow her blog and have now attached it to mine for a very special reason. She has a wonderful challenge for 2009 that I'd love to encourage anyone and everyone to take. When I read about it, my spirit leaped within me. I'm going to take it because I want to draw closer to God and I think she's right on in this challenge. So take a moment, go to her blog and read about it - she explains it much better than I could. You'll be glad that you did.

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