is the title of a book I just finished reading about the genocide in Burundi. I knew so little about what happened there and it was only briefly talked about but is a major contributor to the troubles of the poor women there.
This Voice in My Heart is written by Gilbert Tuhabonye - a world class runner who escaped a massacre but not without debilitating injuries. He recounts how in the worst moments God spoke to him and assured him that he would survive. I encoureage you to read it for not only does it put a face to the suffering there but is also an inspiring story that gives hope - I got it from my local library. I really enjoyed the parts where he describes his life as a young boy; he made Burundi come alive for me again and I realized how much we can learn from the simplicity of his agrarian lifestyle and the vigorous discipline of their education. Even though their system is a far cry from perfect, his story highlights the emphasis they put on getting a good education - they know it's their one ticket out of poverty!
Gilbert now lives in Austin, TX and has no desire to go back to Burundi. This is despite the fact that there is much about life in Burundi that he still loves and even though much of his family is still there. The main reason he stays in America is that he fears for his life in Burundi. This only reinforced my sense of the instability of Burundian politics - how genocide is not only a part of their past but is still in their present and very likely part of their future. All the more reason to empower the women - they really are the key to positive change.
Bonne nouvelle chez les autochtones Batwa du Burundi
La scolarisation des enfants Batwa laisse à désirer alors que l’éducation
reste la seule clé d’ouverture et de garanti au développement de la
13 years ago
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