Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Mud Puddle Revelation

I was in the woods again with our dog - we try to go every day and he really lets me know he's disappointed when I can't fit it in. He's my exercise barometer. Anyway, as we were walking, he stopped to take a drink out of a mud puddle. As I have done many times in our walks, I called him away from the water and told him I'd get him clean water when we got home. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks - how many men, women and children had I seen in Africa who drink water that is much worse than the puddle I didn't want my dog to drink? Ouch. What do I do with that? Guilt doesn't help the people of Africa - action does. So I remembered the website and went to it again. We have really cut down on Christmas and so I sent in a donation via their link: . In their words: "A child dies every 15 seconds because of the lack of clean water. It costs us an average of $0.98 to provide clean, safe water to one person for one year: every dollar makes a difference! Our goal is simple. Our vision is clear. Your help is crucial!" I'd rather do this than get a sweater from my husband - I have lots of sweaters. And lots of clean water.

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